Wednesday, 19 August 2009

It might just work...


I started an increased dose of clomipramine last week. I know it should take a while to work, but I'm feeling just a little bit better. I really hope it's working, as if it does, no more lithium.

I had my guide dog mobility assessment last week, and it went really well. I hope I'm not on a high from that, and that this is really the depression lifting. I can't cope with another false recovery.

Saturday, 15 August 2009


Hiya, how are you? I'm doing okay. My psychiatrist has increased my clomipramine to 50 mg this month, and 75 mg next month. If this works, and the depression lifts, then he's going to take me off lithium. This would be absolutely wonderful! I know my depression is resistant, but lithium always seemed a bit fierce.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

I've just done something I can't believe I did. I wrote an email to someone I haven't spoken to in 13 years. I couldn't face contacting her before, but I got a group letter with her email, so I bit the bullet. I don't know how she's going to react, I hope it's a favourable reaction. I can't remember her well enough to predict. Maybe I did something stupid there, but I felt compelled to do it. Ever felt like that?

I'm still horribly depressed, but it's only a week and a half till I see my psychiatrist. I'm also going on a day out on Friday, to a huge craft shop. I'm looking forward to it.