Sunday 21 March 2010


I'm currently on morphine. It's working, the pain's been dulled to a level I can cope with, but I feel really weird. I'm also very tired. I'm a bit worried about what my psychiatrist is going to say though. I see him tomorrow morning, so we'll see. If he can come up with an alternative that works, and doesn't make me feel so crap, I'll take it, but I don't want to stop the morphine unless I know the alternative will be as effective. I'm sick of being in severe pain, with no prospect of it ever getting any better. My big worry is addiction. I will get addicted to morphine if I stay on it longterm, but what can I do? Is it worth it?

Saturday 13 March 2010

Positives and negatives

Life's made up of positives and negatives. I've got a bit of both at the moment.

I'm still feeling better. The new meds are definitely working.
I've got a new toy. A talking mobile phone. Brilliant! I can now text people, and don't need to remember all of my friends' phone numbers.

My pain relief is still not working. I'm now on 2.4g of Gabapentin, and 150 mg of Diclofenac, and I'm still in a lot of pain. Ah well...

Thursday 4 March 2010

Thank God...

I'm feeling better! I can't believe it. The meds are actually working, and it's only taken about a week. I felt better yesterday, but didn't like to say anything, in case it was a fluke, but this doesn't seem to be. All I can say is: long may it continue.

Unfortunately, the Risperidone seems to have stopped the Gabapentin working, so I'm in a lot of pain. I'm going to the GP today to talk painkillers. I'll let you know how it goes.