Thursday, 23 October 2008


Finally, something has worked! I've been started on a very high dose of haloperidol. It's made me feel much better mentally already, even though its only been a week. All the symptoms are still there, but they're all much less prominent, so I can cope with them I've never been symptom free, so it doesn't bother me that they're still there.

Sadly, there are some side effects. Basically, I'm stiff as a plank. My left arm, right side of my jaw and my ribcage all hurt, and are very stiff. I've got some paracetamol, codeine and deep heat cream, but nothing's stopping the pain at all.

But (I know I shouldn't start a sentence with "but") whatever the pain, its all better than being ill. You can take painkillers for physical pain, so I'm going to ask my psychiatrist if I can stay on this dose, as it's doing me the world of good.

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