Friday 26 February 2010

New meds (again)

I went to see my psychiatrist on Wednesday. I was supposed to go into hospital, but they're not accepting female patients in my local hospital, and there's nowhere else I could go. So, I saw the doc. He's increased my Aripiprizole, which is usually only up to 30 mg, but in extreme cases can be more than that, so I'm now on 45 mg. He's also changed my Quetiapine to Risperidone, and taken me off the Haldol and Chlorpromazine. I'm hopeful, but it's hard to be, when you've been on so many different drugs. You hope every time, and then your hopes are dashed. I'm trying to be positive, but it's difficult.
I'm a little worried, as since I've started the new meds, I ache all over, and have a horrible headache. I'm hoping I'm just coming down with a bad cold or the flu.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Hospital (again)

I'm going into hospital some time next week. I'll probably be in for at least 2 weeks, but most likely longer. I'm not happy about it, but it's the best thing for me I know. I'm going to come off my meds, and start again (again! They did this last year, let's hope it's more successful this time). I'll be in touch when I can...

Sunday 7 February 2010

I hate pain!

I fell over my cat on Friday, and badly sprained my wrist. It hurts, lots, and I'm sick of it already. I can't do stuff like crochet or cook, I can't swim, it's SO annoying!