Friday 19 September 2008


Well, I never thought I'd say this again, but I had about 6 hours of sleep last night. I don't know why. The psychosis is still getting worse, but it seems to be a slow process this time, so I think I'll be okay until I see my psychiatrist.

I had an argument with someone this week, about self harm. I do self harm. I scratch or burn, but never cut. The reason for this is really messed up, but suffice it to say, I have real problems with blood. It's not a release of tension for me, it's just when I feel pain, for a few seconds, I feel better. She said that that was stupid, and asked why I couldn't do more constructive and less damaging things to cope. I don't like being talked down to, and made this very clear to her. Also, self harm can be in a small way useful. If the doctor knows I've held the iron to my arm, he knows things aren't okay, even if I try to convince him that they're not. I don't suggest self harm to anyone. If you can find another way of coping, please use it. But, if you can't, be careful, and keep your cuts/burns clean, because infection hurts, trust me. You Aren't stupid to do it, but try not to, the scars aren't usually worth it.

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